A contrast material is used to enhance the visibility of the urinary tract. It is typically injected intravenously, allowing the contrast to highlight the kidneys, ureters, and bladder for clearer imaging.
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Key Points of a Comprehensive CT UROGRAMST
1. Purpose:
A comprehensive CT urography (CTU) is designed to visualize the urinary tract, including the kidneys, ureters, and bladder, in detail. It helps diagnose conditions such as kidney stones, tumors, urinary tract obstructions, and other abnormalities.
2. Contrast Administration:
A contrast material is used to enhance the visibility of the urinary tract. It is typically injected intravenously, allowing the contrast to highlight the kidneys, ureters, and bladder for clearer imaging.
3. Preparation:
Patients may need to fast for several hours before the scan. They might also need to drink oral contrast to provide additional detail of the urinary tract and bowel.
4. Imaging Procedure:
The patient lies on a motorized table that moves through the CT scanner. Multiple cross-sectional images are taken at different phases—arterial, venous, and delayed—to capture detailed information about the urinary tract and its structures.
5. Phases of Imaging:CT urography typically includes:
– Arterial Phase: Images are captured shortly after contrast injection to visualize the arterial supply to the kidneys.
– Excretory Phase: This phase shows how the contrast material is excreted through the kidneys and ureters.
– Delayed Phase: Provides additional information on how the contrast is distributed and retained in the bladder.
6. Radiologist Analysis:
A radiologist examines the images to diagnose any issues, such as stones, tumors, or obstructions. The comprehensive view provided by CT urography allows for a detailed assessment of the urinary tract.
7. Post-Procedure Care:
After the scan, patients are advised to drink fluids to help clear the contrast material from their system. Any adverse reactions to the contrast dye are monitored and managed as necessary.